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Thanh Binh imports Vietnamese drinks like Xa Xi Chuong Duong, green jelly drink, black coffee drink. It also imports aloe vera from Korea. It also sells CALPIS milk drinks, ginseng drink, instant tea buble tea, basil drink and Asian fruit juice.
Boisson rafraîchissante aux extraits de thé Litchi Passion
Boisson rafraîchissante aux extraits de thé Mangue Goyave
Nước dừa tươi nguyên chất 3 cây tre Việt Nam 1L
CORE YANG Aloe Juice 500ml Korea Promotion 6 pack: 5 purchased +1 free Promotion pack of 12: 10 purchased+ 2 free
Drink at the base of skim milk CALPIS 1.5 L Japan