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Thanh Binh imports Vietnamese fresh products directly and weekly by air: fruits, vegetables,... . We ensure freshness in compliance with the cold chain. Every week you have shortbread mangoes, jackfruit, durian, lemongrass, water bindweed, basil, rau ram, hung cay, colocasia, banh com cakes...
You will also find ready to taste: savory dishes: ne...
Thanh Binh imports Vietnamese fresh products directly and weekly by air: fruits, vegetables,... . We ensure freshness in compliance with the cold chain. Every week you have shortbread mangoes, jackfruit, durian, lemongrass, water bindweed, basil, rau ram, hung cay, colocasia, banh com cakes...
You will also find ready to taste: savory dishes: nems, buns, pork paté, beef,..; asian desserts: che chuoi, che khoai, che tao xon...
Thanh Binh Jeune exercises all its skills in the direct import by plane of specific Vietnamese fresh fruit: durian, mango ( xoai cat), longane, dragon fruit ( thanh long ), goyave ( oi), mangostan...
Thanh Binh Young sells specific exotic vegetables and herbs: bo ngot, rau day, cabbage cai lan, Chinese cabbage, pakchoi, shitake, cassava, taros, yam, gombos,...
aromatic plants: garlic flower, garlic leaf,combava, rau ram, ngon om, ngo gai, ginger, galanga, flower and banana leaf,...
Nem, doughnuts, salted brioches, beef balls, Chinese sausages, nem chua, pork paté ( cha lua), banh cuon, tofu, Korean rice cakes...
Vietnamese desserts made in France in accredited workshops of national hygiene services, coconut milk desserts and grains: che ba mau, che tao xon, che khoai mon, che com, che dau trang...